Organize your important docs and credit card info in one place. Sometimes it’s not less than a hassle when you need just a specific information from a document or the CVV number of a credit card, but have to carry a bag full of documents and a wallet full of cards. Not to worry. My Wallet has a solution for that.
Security is of utmost concerns when it comes to personal docs and sensitive information like credit card details. My Wallet removes that concern and gives you a peace of mind that no one else can access your information. My Wallet limits the access time so you have to enter your password every time you open the app.
Imagine a specific information you require in a specific document, Uggh! Too many specifics right? Now you can search for the just that document and grab info whenever you need. My Wallet allows you to store and pull out things like passport, identity numbers, credit/debit cards, loyalty cards and much more. Just search the item and get access to all your information in seconds.